Traditionally, mustard plasters were used to treat congestion, coughs, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Mustard plasters provide immediate relief from chest discomfort and are also effective in treating infectious conditions. I found this recipe in the West Virginia mountains when I chatted with an old granny who wouldn’t share it with me no matter how hard I begged.BUT I did find it ...
Grilled chicken is a popular and well-loved dish in the United States and in many other countries around the world. Grilling chicken and especially making it full-on authentic is a challenge in itself, but once you’ve mastered it, it becomes a wonderful and much healthier meal option. It is the one thing that the average American will agree that they ...
I love chip dip. I love chip. I don’t know why. I think it’s because I grew up eating chips and food like this. You can make this chip dip in the slow cooker, but it tastes even better if you bake it! Ingredients: 1 can of soup (I used Minced Garlic and Tomato-Cream of Mushroom Soup). A sour cream ...
Have you ever wondered what the vegetables in Jamaica look like? Well, I’m sure you’ve wondered, and since I’m an avid backyard garden enthusiast (which translates to growing lots of veggies in my own backyard), I often get asked what the Jamaican varieties of vegetables look like. Whether you call them an “opper” (with the emphasis on the “opper”) or ...
Mardi Gras is a popular American holiday celebrated throughout the country. It is celebrated by many followers of different religious denominations, and in most cases it is a time of celebration and joy for the people who celebrate it. With so much fun, excitement and love to share with everyone this holiday, most people will want to share the recipes ...
I have a lot of friends who love artichokes. They eat them as a side dish, they eat them as a main dish or they even cook them as a soup or a side dish. For those who love them, the question is: What do you do with a canned artichoke? I have some recipes that can be cooked using ...
Caribbean butter bread recipe is one of the most popular butter bread recipes that you can find online. Caribbean butter bread is a delicious recipe from the Caribbean, where it is a popular breakfast or snack. It is very simple to make and can be a great project for you and your kids to work on together in the morning. ...
Zip sauce is a favorite of many people. Zip sauce is a simple sauce that can be used in a lot of different dishes. You can get a tasty meal on the table in no time! In this post I’m going to share my zip sauce recipe, and show you how to make it from scratch. Zip sauce is a ...
We all love desserts, but it is hard to make dessert items that are healthy. This is the main reason why many health-conscious people are turned off by making desserts because it doesn’t seem like “real” food. There are a lot of recipes out there but most are not very easy to make. This not only makes them difficult to ...
Are you looking for a new recipe to try out? Bo Berry Biscuit recipe is sure to do the trick. This biscuit recipe is so yummy and easy, and you can add any of your favorite toppings or add-ins. I use this biscuit recipe with my freshly baked pie crust. It’s perfect for my bakery! The bo berry biscuit recipe ...