I love to cook out on the grill, especially in the summertime. There is nothing like cooking with fire and smelling that smoky smell of a good cut of meat. Since I have been using my own rub recipe for several months now I thought it was time to share my knowledge with you all so you can try your ...

Do you have a favorite comfort food that you just can’t live without? I know my mom’s famous crying tiger sauce is one of them. She would always make it for me when I was sad and the salty sweet taste made me feel better in an instant. Now, it’s my turn to bring this recipe to the world! Here ...

I’m a huge fan of spicy food, and after having some delicious jalapeno peanut brittle at a local coffee shop I decided to try my hand at making it myself. The nice thing about this recipe is that you don’t need any fancy equipment, just a baking sheet and some parchment paper! Today I’m going to share with you my ...

If you love chicken, then you’re going to love this meaty butternut squash chicken recipe. It’s a great combination of chicken and squash that offers a savory and sweet taste. It’s a delicious light meal for a cold night, and one that can also be made in a slow cooker. It’s a wonderful way to use up a lot of ...

There is nothing like a fresh-picked salad on a hot summer day. A good salad can make any meal more enjoyable and—most importantly—more delicious. However, salad recipes can be difficult to create and even harder to make fresh. Did you know that it’s not the watermelon that makes a salad but instead the orange juice? Plus, you can use any ...

For a long time, I have been a vegetarian. I’ve never been a vegetarian because it’s pretty hard to convince yourself that some animal products are healthy. When I first started cooking at home, I was a vegetarian for a few years. I tried a lot of new things and everything was delicious, but it wasn’t enough to make me ...

The Black Bean Puree is one of the most popular bean dishes in the world. It’s a well-known traditional food for South American Indians and has become popular in Mexico. The black bean puree is made by blending black beans with many vegetables. It is always sold in plastic bags or bottles, not in paper bags or plastic containers. This ...

Whenever I am craving tacos I always end up ordering them for lunch at work. While lunch is the only meal that my boss allows me to eat, I still like to keep some healthy options in my diet. so I ordered everything I could on my lunch break for this taco recipe. Chicos Tacos Recipe is one of the ...

When people think of mullets, they probably think of the movie The Hunt For Red October with Tom Hanks. And for good reason, because the red mullet is one of the more beautiful fish in the world. It’s incredibly handsome with its beautiful orange color. And it’s also easy to cook. After all, you don’t have to spend hundreds of ...

Traditionally, mustard plasters were used to treat congestion, coughs, bronchitis, or pneumonia. Mustard plasters provide immediate relief from chest discomfort and are also effective in treating infectious conditions. I found this recipe in the West Virginia mountains when I chatted with an old granny who wouldn’t share it with me no matter how hard I begged.BUT I did find it ...