Do you know how we just recently got into the chili craze? Here’s a recipe for you! We love our hotdogs and hamburgers, but we don’t love them so much in the winter when we don’t want to heat up our house with an oven. We like to have a good selection of chili recipes, but this one is my ...

We’re not talking about all the fried food that people love to eat, such as fried chicken, red hots, and deep-fried mac and cheese. No, we’re talking about fried crab legs. If you love good seafood and are looking for a meal for two, you can’t go wrong by indulging in these fried Baltimore crabs. They taste almost exactly like ...

If you are anything like me, you always have your nose in a cookbook, looking for recipes. You might have even picked up a cookbook just so you could try a recipe, but never got around to actually making it. Well, that’s nothing compared to what could happen if you fail to make a dish that you want to try. ...

Are you looking for a new and different meatloaf recipe? Try this one. It’s not your average, run-of-the-mill, everyday kind of meatloaf. The ingredients in this dish are so out of the ordinary that it will be hard to believe they really work together as well as they do. This is a meal that everyone will enjoy even those who ...

Have you ever seen a halibut without a single fleck of pink? We’re talking about the size and shape of a small lobster. I don’t know about you, but I know that I personally like my halibut coming with a little more of a bite. My favorite way to cook halibut is to sear it. You can sear anything from ...

I was in search of some easy, delicious, and customizable recipes recently, so I created the pronto pup recipe. I hope you like it! It’s pretty simple to make, and it’s super easy to customize depending on your needs and preferences. When it comes to food, there is no shortage of creativity. That’s why you’ll find so many different ways ...

I love cooking. When I was growing up, the only way that my mom would cook for me was to just buy some groceries at the store, send us off to school with some hotdogs and some french fries, and then come home to cook dinner. I might make my own homemade macaroni and cheese or spaghetti sauce, but most ...

Antoine’s Oysters Rockefeller recipe was created by Antoine Blondeau, an award-winning chef and owner of the restaurant Antoine’s. The name Rockefeller means a great deal to me. To me, a Rockefeller is a great meal. It made me feel like the grandest meal the world could offer. The first time I took a bite of a Rockefeller, it was a ...

If you love chicken, then you’re going to love this meaty butternut squash chicken recipe. It’s a great combination of chicken and squash that offers a savory and sweet taste. It’s a delicious light meal for a cold night, and one that can also be made in a slow cooker. It’s a wonderful way to use up a lot of ...

For a long time, I have been a vegetarian. I’ve never been a vegetarian because it’s pretty hard to convince yourself that some animal products are healthy. When I first started cooking at home, I was a vegetarian for a few years. I tried a lot of new things and everything was delicious, but it wasn’t enough to make me ...